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01 Aug 2017

Free alcohol tasting and networking event by Drink2Connect

About 30 participants took part in a alcohol-tasting event organised by Drink2Connect on 7 July 2017 to share their love for alcohol and to meet like-minded friends to widen their network.


The night began with participants enjoying food that each participant brought for everyone. Owner and founder of Drink2Connect, Cass Koh opened bottle of whisky, red wine, white wine, champagne and beer for all to enjoy. He would explain the taste and quality of the alcohols for those who would indulge him in it, living up to his name as an alcohol connoisseur.


As participants mingle with one another, premium alcohol in hand, they make more friends and appreciate good premium alcohol at the same time.


As the atmosphere peak, the Drink2Connect auction starts. Whisky, wine, champagne and cognac are put on auction at incredibly low price. The homely atmosphere encouraged the participants to engage in a friendly bidding-war, each trying to outbid the other for the coveted alcohol at a very good price. Bids flow as freely as the free-flow alcohol sponsored by Drink2Connect during the live auction. Most if not all of the bidders went home with their bags heavier and happier.


The next alcohol-tasting and networking event will be held on 6 October 2017. Come join in the fun at the free alcohol tasting and networking event by Drink2Connect, where good alcohol, good food and live auction await. Sign up at http://drink2connect.com.sg/EventsDetail?id=14 today!


Can’t wait till then for your favourite alcohol? Join in the Drink2Connect Facebook Live Action at https://www.facebook.com/drink2connectz, where you get great alcohol at great prices. 

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